Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy

I’ve never been into license games. Feels like it’s just an afterthought to make more money on a franchise. But when you notice that the developer is Eidos Montreal, the makers behind Deus Ex, it makes me very interested.

Marvel’s Guardians of the Galaxy is a story about five antiheroes setting out as “heroes for hire” and accidentally manage to screw up the world. The storytelling is focused on comedy and it really excels at that. I have never found myself laughing this much at a game ever. It is hilarious from start to finish. The writing is splendid, the characters are really well written and the story just keeps surprising. I could never foresee what was about to happen.

They built a space station inside the head of a celestial being.

The gameplay is a mix of exploring, and going around blowing stuff up, with some simple puzzles and arcade action. The game is excellent at signalling where you need to go and what you need to do, without writing it on your nose. It’s just very good at making you feel smart. 

I was not a big fan of the action. There is a bit of progression where you and your team mates gain abilities but most of the time its very much the same all the way through. What does change alot is the enemies that you meet which range from trash mobs to huge bosses.

Both the graphics and the art direction is really good.

The graphics and the art direction is awesome. The game is beautiful and you will experience environments that you have never seen before. Sometimes the size of everything just boggles the mind, and I found myself taking screenshots which I rarely do. The game is also full of early 90’s music which gives it a vibe that is really cool. 

I rate this game as EXCELLENT.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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