Death’s Door

Death’s Door is an isomorphic metroidvania where you play as a crow working for the Commission, and who’s job it is to reap souls of the living when it becomes time for them to die.

In this game you travel the world, fight monsters, bosses and solve puzzles. The game plays well, and looks great. I played it on Nintendo Switch and it works great both docked and handheld.

You often get to fight waves of enemies. It is tricky to avoid their projectiles and try to hit them at the same time.

The story is pleasant but not surprising. It does its job of describing the world and the events that has taken place, but it is not amazing in any way.

The game doesn’t have any difficulty setting, and it is really hard. Combined with not providing tools to adjust that difficulty like levelling or summoning, it doesn’t feel fair. There are some kind of progression system and you can increase your hp with a bit of work, but it doesn’t seem to make much difference as enemies also get progressively stronger. 

The secrets that you need to find in order to progress your character at the same pace as your enemies are too hard to find. I found 2 health upgrade gems out of 8 possible and 0 magic gems out of 8 possible by myself. I had to use a wiki to find 14 of 16 available gems and the path to the last weapon was so convoluted I would never have figured it out on my own.

The Commission is your home base where you talk to fellow crows, travel between doors and upgrade your abilities.

Boss fights are very systematic and clear, so they are easy to learn. It is more a matter of endurance – can you perform this move flawlessly 20 times in a row? And when you fail you need to start over. After a while it becomes not only tedious but boring.

I didn’t finish the game. I took a look at a wiki and found out that the last boss fight has 9 phases and I’m not up for that.

I rate this game as OKAY.

Rating: 2 out of 5.

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