Best Game I Played 2023

This is not really a GOTY list, because it’s not about the best game released in 2023. It is a list of the best games I played in 2023. Many games that I play are a few years old, because I pick them up on a sale when they become inexpensive, but they’re just as good if not better.

I usually pick three games. This year I played 28 games so the top three represents the best of the best.

Third best game I played in 2023: Humanity

Finally a puzzle game that is fun, not too hard, but still challenging enough to keep being interesting. This is one of those games I didn’t hear about before, took one look at it and then played and platinumed it. I just knew this was a game for me.

Sadly not much replayability once you’ve completed it. I will just have to wait a few years and come back to it when I forgotten all the solutions.

Second best game I played in 2023: OlliOlli World

A complete surprise as I never got the hang of the first OlliOlli, this one took over my life for a good month. The controls of this game is so sharp and it is so satisfying to succeed at one of the challenges. The sounds, the feeling and everything draws you in and gets you hooked. Yeah, I loved this game.

This is really easy to learn and very hard to master which makes up for a ton of replayability.

Best game I played in 2023: The Ascent

This game has so many old school influences, when you realise you just sit there en awe. It is hard as balls, but the scenes, the atmosphere, the action is flawless. I loved every second that I spent with this game and accidentally proceeded into the DLC because I couldn’t accept that it was over.

If there is one game from this year that I would like to have undone so I could play it anew, it is The Ascent.

The Rest

Here’s the full list of games that I played 2023 and a link to each review.

Happy New Year! šŸŽ‰

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