2023 in Review

My 2023 in gaming was very much a repeat of 2022 where I played a lot of games up until summer and then I burned myself out and didn’t want to play anything the rest of the year. I ended up replaying XCOM 2 to find myself back into gaming before the new year.

For game releases this has been a very strong year, and I have actually played more games released this year. The games I usually play are a couple of years old as I buy them on sale, but this year I played 8 games that was released 2023 and 2 rereleases. That must be a record for me.

PlayStation VR 2

This year’s disappointment must be the new headset. Not that it is bad; it is much better than PSVR1, but they released it and then did nothing more with the platform. As far as I know just a few new games have been released for PSVR2 during the year and it seems that Sony’s given up on it even before they released it. That is too bad, as the technology has potential and as a gaming platform is very promising.

Sony release a gaming platform and have no idea what to do with it. Rings a bell?

This headset is what PSVR1 should have been. You connect 1 cable, it is plug and play, the graphics are nice and tracking of the controls works well. The problem is that there are not any attractive new titles, so I ended up playing Rez Infinite and Tetris Effect again.

I could hope that Sony does something fun with the PSVR2 next year, (like a new Astro Bot Rescue Mission) but I haven’t got my hopes up. The debacle with the PlayStation Portal shows that Sony’s not making the best decisions right now.

Looking forward to 2024

The closest thing at hand for 2024 is the release of Cities: Skylines 2 for PlayStation. I’ve heard that the development has been troublesome, so it might end in a fiasco. We’ll see, I think I will get it no matter the reviews. Cities Skylines 1 is one of my favourite games.

Elden Ring should have a DLC next year, or I have no idea what FROMSOFTWARE is doing. It has been so long since the base game came out, maybe they will release it as a standalone game. I don’t know. It is just weird that it has taken this long.

Hades 2 should have a release next year, but we’ll see. I think the development team got bit of cold feet from the success of the first game, and now they want to make everything perfect. Like Hollow Knight 2, which I don’t think we’ll ever see released.

More games we’re probably not getting are Horizon 3, the next Mass Effect, Dragon Age or GTA. I think the last one is tied to the release of PlayStation 5 Pro which is most likely due for 2025.

My next post will be game of the year 2023.

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