
If you are old like me you remember Lemmings. The old 2D game from the 90’s where you rescued lemmings from walking to their deaths, by directing them around a course of obstacles. In the shift between 2D to 3D games, they tried to renew the concept with 3D Lemmings. That didn’t work, it sucked.

Humanity is the 3D Lemmings that doesn’t suck.

Puzzle games are so hard to balance. They often start out easy and then the game gets progressively harder until you run into a wall and cannot progress without looking up every solution. That was The Witness for me. This is not the case with Humanity.

Instead of using difficulty to progress the game, it progresses by adding new mechanics. The difficulty is the same from the first puzzle to the last, but they keep it fresh by continuously changing the formula of the game. This works really well as it keeps you from getting bored and it motivates you to continue. You want to know what comes next.

You direct humans from their portal to the end goal by using directional commands. Once you’ve figured out the route you’ve succeeded.

This game is great. I love it. The graphics are simple, but very interesting. The first time you see the many thousands of tiny humans rendered at the same time is really mind boggling. The puzzles are very well done, and some of them intentionally have several solutions. It feels rewarding when you figure it out.

The music is not very great. I chose to turn it off after a while because it was getting at me. There is a story that is okay, but not really needed for a puzzler like this.

I rate this game as EXCELLENT.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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