Salt & Sacrifice

I’ve decided to not finish this game. I’ve started it up and played about an hour. I reached the first boss and I killed it on my third try. Then I just put it down and doesn’t want to go back.

I’ve played the first Salt & Sanctuary on PSVita and that did appeal to me. I thought the graphics on that one was a little murky and the combat was somewhat broken as you could tank through everything with a good enough shield. But I did have fun with it.

This game I tried to play in a different setting than PSVita. I have a 52 inch TV and the graphics are scaled up to 4K. This makes the murkiness so much more murky to the point that it looks quite off-putting. It’s not really an issue of graphics fidelity, but of art design, and I don’t enjoy it.

Another thing this game does is to flood you with mechanics. There are so many new mechanics with upgrading your weapon, different crafting tables, and it doesn’t make a good job at gradually introducing it to you. You just arrive at the central NPC hub and there is all of these vendors that makes the game overwhelming. I just want a clear path forward that I can progress at my own leisure.

By this time it has become customary to start the game off with a boss that must kill you.

The fighting doesn’t feel good in my hands. I constantly press the wrong buttons, there is a slowness to the reactions and a really weird throw mechanic that they introduce on an enemy but then it is too complicated to really pull off in a live battle scenario.

The game also like to put enemies at dead ends that will one-shot you which is something that Dark Souls did 14 years ago, but not really something that you do anymore in modern game design. It is quite player hostile.

So I’m not going back to this. I value my time higher.

I rate this game as BAD.

Rating: 1 out of 5.

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