OlliOlli World

I played the first OlliOlli on PlayStation 3 and I never got any further than 10 levels. It was easy and fun at the start but suddenly the difficulty level spiked and I never quite got the hang of it.

They have addressed this in OlliOlli World. It has excellent pacing and it introduces new mechanics gradually and lets you practice it bit by bit. The courses also offers different routes with varying difficulty , so you can play a level the easy way or the hard way. The hard way will give you more points, but there is no cap stopping you from proceeding if you’d just pick the easy routes. I applaud the developers for this.

The game introduces new mechanics in a beautifully paced way. The game will make sure that you get really good at it, and sometimes you can hardly believe the stunts you are able to pull off.

The game looks great, and it plays great. It takes advantage of the DualShock Sense in way that really improves immersion, compared to if you’d played it on any other platform without the haptic feedbacks and controller speaker. Every move you do with the skateboard feels very satisfying and is a kind of mini reward in itself.

As I said about the difficulty, the game works itself on you very gradually, but in the end you will be doing things that looks completely sick from a beginners standpoint. The moves you will pull off feels great, looks great and your hands will spark with joy at completing them.

The game is super fast wile looking very good. Those things rarely go together, because when a game is very fast it also needs to be super clear in its art direction. Well, OlliOlli World pulls it off.

It was in my last hour of playing this game that my wife and kids started to notice it. “Hey that looks awesome!” And now I cannot get the TV for myself because the whole family is playing this game. That if nothing else is a testament to its greatness.

I rate this game as EXCELLENT.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

(please give me back my TV, I want to play more OlliOlli World)

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