Coffee Talk

The visuals and the promise of a chill game drew me to purchase this one. I do enjoy leaned back experiences like walking sims and visual novels. This one definitely falls into the visual novel category as you mostly progress the dialogue by pressing a button.

You play the game as a barista, and owner of the coffee shop “Coffee Talk”, which only have opened during night hours. You meet people, talk to them, follow their stories and interactions. The gimmick of this game is that you also make coffee for you customers, combining ingredients into recipes and serve those tasty hot drinks. It’s all very relaxing.

In this fictional version of Seattle, humans live along side elves, werewolfs, vampires and orcs.

I like the idea, the art style and the characters. They are diverse and well thought out. The writing of this visual novel is okay but not great. There isn’t a great story line, major mystery or huge climax like in Steins;gate. The dialogue isn’t very good as it’s often too slow, and not terse enough. You find your self pressing X through a lot of “Yeah”, “Mmm” and “…” dialogue bubbles. I get it, that you want to signal the character is hesitating but it hurts the pace of the story and I found it irritating.

This is not a game that I will remember or think back at like Steins;gate but I did enjoy while I played it.

I rate this game as GOOD.

Rating: 3 out of 5.

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