Super Mario 3D World

This was originally created for the Wii U, but since not many people jumped on the Wii U train, they re-released it for the Nintendo Switch. I’m glad that they did because this is a great Mario 3D game.

The cat theme is very cute and it fits the world of Mario very well.

The whole cat concept is very cute, the levels are well designed, the music get stuck on your brain. Just like Mario should be. What is special with this game is that it is designed for you to play as couch coop with up to 4 players. I have tried this a little bit, but its very chaotic. Especially when someone in the team is not cooperating and pulling ahead so the others can’t keep up.

One thing I don’t like about this game is that it requires you to collect stars, hidden secrets, in the levels in order to progress. For instance, in order to fight the last boss you’ll have to collect 130 stars. This is quite cumbersome and it requires you to go back and replay the levels to find the stars. Sometimes they are so well hidden that I had to YouTube it.

Four player coop is fun but chaotic. Do not expect to complete the whole game like this.

Most levels were fair game, but some were really hard. But if you die 5 times on the same level you get a special leaf that makes you invincible to everything except fall damage. This got me through some of the trickier parts. I have no idea how one would beat the last boss fight without it.

I rate this game as GREAT.

Rating: 4 out of 5.

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