Two Point Hospital

I was looking at the trailer for this game and thought it was a shameful carbon copy of Bullfrog’s Theme Hospital. Then I did some reading and it turns out the same people are behind Two Point Hospital.

In this game you build a hospital, or rather 15 hospitals. Each hospital becomes progressively harder by hitting you with natural disasters, restricting your money and giving you new deceases to battle. 

Two Point Hospital is exactly like Theme Hospital would be in a remake.

It really manages to capture everything that was fun about the original game. The crazy diagnosis, and the weird remedies. The cartoony style and the wacky humor. The systems are simple to understand, but tricky to master and I use all my knowledge of system design to get patients flow through the hospital. In that sense this is a very interesting game.

This game is however very repetitive. You quickly tire of building GP offices and decorating them for the hundredth time to reach a room level 4. The only way to get your hospital to function properly seems to be micro management. Not only physically moving doctors and nurses to where they want to be, but also sending patients home that you know you cannot cure, and that only takes up time and resources.

Customising your rooms is fun, until it become part of the targets you must reach in order to finish the levels.

The game is fun, but it is not fun enough to build the same hospital over and over. The differences in each scenario is not big enough to make it interesting. At tops there is one new environmental problem to tackle, and a new decease to research and figure out with each hospital. That is not enough.

I must admit that I didn’t finish this game. I came to hospital number 10 and then I gave up. It just wasn’t fun anymore.

I rate this game as OKAY.

Rating: 2 out of 5.

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