Circuit Superstars

First time I saw this game, it was in prerelease and reminded me of Super Cars II on the Amiga, but the perspective was more like Death Rally. Both are games that I cherish from growing up. I was really excited and got this game as soon as it was available on PlayStation.

It looks great! Like small toy cars going round and round. And the graphical effects are really nice and smooth.

That is more or less the only positive thing I have to say about this game. I’m not having fun. After every session I just feel frustrated and bitter. It looks so promising, but every time I play it I come away angry.

This game looks so incredibly good, but this right here is an awful situation.

I think there is a disassociation between what I think this game should be, and what the developer made it to be. They imagine it as a circuit racer, like a Formula 1. You get into a car and you drive the track round and round, practice until perfect.

While being cute looking, I think the devs are going for realism. They have put a lot of effort into making the tracks feel different depending on different cars on different surfaces. When you slide, the car should reverb back in the correct motion. I get it! You are supposed to drive the same tracks over and over to perfect your lap times.

However the cars are very hard to control. I’m playing on the easiest difficulty, sliding around like Bambi on ice, while the AI cars casually just drive past me. It’s not fun to make one single mistake on a track and completely loose your lead.

I was looking for an arcade game. This is not it. I rate this game as BAD.

Rating: 1 out of 5.

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