XCOM 2: War of the Chosen

It has been 4 years since I last played XCOM 2, and I didn’t think much about it back then. I don’t think it was ready, they released it too early. Now I’ve played it with both War of the Chosen and Resistance Warrior pack, and this is a whole new game.

The balance of the game with these expansions is much better. I’m rarely taken by surprise when I die, which happened all the time before. You don’t get those 100% to hit and then miss. It is predictable in a way that it hasn’t been before.

The Chosen are super villains that appear randomly on missions.

The Chosen are a nice addition to the main game. They are scary and they add lots of dynamic to what previously was quite repetitive missions. I also enjoyed the rewards for killing The Chosen a great deal. I would say that they helped me through the end game.

The resistance is also a nice addition, with the Skirmishers, Reapers and Templars. My favourite were the Templars, some kind of futuristic warrior monk. You could really wreak havoc once upgraded 100%.

Best resistance fraction: The Templars.

This is the way that XCOM 2 was meant to be played and I have nothing to complain about. It is excellent all the way through.

I rate this game as excellent.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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