A Plague Tale Innocence

I didn’t plan on getting this game, but I did hear some good things about it and then it was included with PlayStation Plus, so you could say that this game got me.

The game is a horror sneaking game. You play as two kids, Hugo is 5 years old and Amicia who is a young teenager. They live in France in a big castle, and one day the inquisition pays a visit and everything changes. Amicia and Hugo must flee, and this is what the game is about. Sneaking and fleeing from inquisitor knights.

The game has a gimmick. Thousands of rats are plaguing the lands and you must use the rats to your advantage if you want to overcome obstacles the game throws at you. They represent both a danger and an opportunity where you can turn the rats against the inquisitor knights. 

Rats! Lot’s of rats.

The game is very beautiful. I love the scenes from the french countryside. The world feels alive and is rich of details. That is a reason alone for you to play it. The story is also quite alright and I like the characters. Even the annoying Hugo becomes likable, and the main villain is quite cool.

The sneaking is okay. I really don’t like that kind of gameplay but I think it is well implemented. You won’t get caught at every corner and when you’re spotted it is not hard to hunker down and get the guard to loose interest. 

The action segments is this game’s weak spot. At some points you’re asked to hit three knights in the head with your sling, as they come running towards you, and any misses means game over. The game controls aren’t precise enough for that maneuvering, and it becomes a game of chance, where you try the same thing until the game lets you through. 

The boss fights are especially infuriating, where the game becomes an action game after several levels of sneaking. It doesn’t make any sense.

Amicia is one of this game’s very likeable characters.

Another thing not making any sense is the hearty conversation and light mood these kids have in a world so full of death. It doesn’t fit. I understand that the developers just try to lighten up a very dark atmosphere, but it creates this strong dissonance that is hard to make sense of. I wish they instead would rejoice in the cruel and gruesome world. It would have made a better game. 

I liked this game. It surprised me with scenes I‘ve never experienced before or even thought about, and that is what gaming is all about for me. To experience what otherwise would be impossible.

I rate this game as GOOD. 

Rating: 3 out of 5.

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