Mass Effect 3

This is the last game in the trilogy as I replay Mass Effect in the Legendary Edition.

I couldn’t remember Mass Effect 3 being this good, but it is really awesome. I even teared up at the end, which is unusual for me.

The storytelling here is top notch. At the start of the game it is a bit too much cut scenes and too little game play in between, but this evens out as the game gets going, and it turns out a really good end to an awesome trilogy. It is also the first time I play the extended cut with the third ending, and I thought it was good. I have no complaints, but I didn’t have any complaints about the original ending either.

Love the sound design of the reapers. They really feel terrifying.

This was the first time I played the three DLCs. The Leviathan is a classic “go fetch” mission with a bit of shooting. I liked the way it enhances the original story. The Omega DLC was quite useless. Just 3 hours of corridor shooting Cerberus troops. I could have done something more fun with that time.

The last DLC, the Citadel was horrible. It was so much fan fiction that I choked on my coffee. I say no to that crap. It wasn’t particularly well written and it didn’t fit into the rest of the game. Yuck!

How about the bad stuff? I thought the scanning and looking for war assets was even worse in this game compared to Mass Effect 2. Sure the scanning is faster, but it is very much a grind.

There are surprisingly few enemy types in this game that are repeated ad nauseam. The first game was only robot enemies. This game had only reaper enemies and Cerberus troups. The second game mixed it up good with mercenaries, robots, reapers and protheans. It made the second game more interesting.

Garrus, watching his home world burn.

The last mission is a long long long fight with the same enemies over and over. Yeah, that is not very good game design. There isn’t any good boss fights in this game except Kyle Ren (hello Star Wars). Not even a last boss fight in the end. I think the Reaper at Rannoch was pretty cool, but I wouldn’t call shooting a robot 5 times, a boss fight.

In the Legendary Edition they’ve removed the multiplayer, but they didn’t replace it with anything else. In the original you could afford to make some mistakes with your choices because you could weight it up with multiplayer, but now you must make everything 100% right. I didn’t succeed at getting 7800 war effort and I didn’t get the best ending even though I did almost everything right. I guess they want you to follow a walkthrough guide if you’re going to get the perfect ending. (sad)

This is a legendary game and it did deserve its remake. I’m glad that I played it and I hope they will make another Mass Effect game in the same theme.

Shepard out!

I rate this game as EXCELLENT.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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