Mass Effect 2

This is the second game in the Legendary Edition of the Mass Effect trilogy.

Going straight from Mass Effect 1 into this game is such a difference. It is obvious that the team learned a lot in making the first game and now they’re dailing everything up. The camera work is great. The character animations are awesome. The writing in this second game is fenomenal. It is a story that punches you in the stomach, forces you to make hard decisions and introduces some really strong characters.

I like that they didn’t include all characters from the first game by default into your team. Some of them have grown and are now leaders in their own sense. That they should be part of the crew on Normandy doesn’t make any sense.

I will never get over Miranda’s haircut.

I love the new additions to the cast as well. The Illusive Man is such a strong character and the voice acting by Martin Sheen is just perfect. I also like Jack, the insane biotic, Mordin the scientist and Thane the assassin. There are some additions like Jakob, Miranda and Nazeer that aren’t that strong, but they make the others shine brighter.

The action has been improved from the first game. It is still mostly grinding enemies through corridors but sometimes mixed up with “defend this position” kind of fighting where you get enemies attacking from multiple directions. It is still fun to shoot robots, and in this game it’s mixed up with more humanoid enemies. The bosses are also better in this game, with huge enemies that require tactics, is an improvement from the first game.

That your eyes start glowing red and skin cracks up, when you play as renegade, is such a silly thing.

This game has gotten much critique for reducing the amount of RPG options, but I think it is an improvement. In the first game you got so many points to place that you easily could max out everything. Here you need to specialize, choose what skills you want to focus on, and max them out. I like that much better as it makes it feel like you’re playing *your Shepard* and not the same as everyone else. I also think the upgrade system in this game is much better.

Thank god they removed the Mako missions from the first game. I’m however not overly fond of the amount of side tracks there are with stories that doesn’t tie into the rest of the narrative. Feels a bit like they just wanted to prolong the game, because the main story is a bit short.

It was really an enjoyment playing this again and I had a hard time putting it down. I just remembered the broad strokes of events so I could replay most missions without knowing what to expect.

I rate this game as EXCELLENT.

Rating: 5 out of 5.

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