Concrete Genie

In this game you play as a boy named Ash, who likes to hang around abandoned towns and draw in his sketchbook. One day Ash get’s trapped by the local gang in the light house and here he discover his magical ability to paint the town back to life.

I like the idea of walking around a town, panting it to make it alive again. That is pretty neat. The paint ability is like placing stickers on walls but you get some freedom of drawing. The art design of the game is great, and after a while it turns out very festive for the eyes. Bright colors everywhere, sometimes a bit too much.

You get guided around town by small monsters, or genies that give you directions and help you unlock the town. They are cute, sometimes a bit irritating, but I like how they drive the story forward.

The local gang is an annoyance. Sometimes they start chasing Ash, and you need to get away to avoid being beat up. After about 2/3 of the game it suddenly changes into an action game, and not a very good one. You start fighting monsters with your brush. The controlling is janky, the fights are long and uninteresting and I wish they would have buried that idea.

At one point it turns into an action game, which was a bad design decision.

In the end, it was not a particular long game. I liked the part where you explore the town and paint it in lively colors. I didn’t enjoy the story very much, and especially not the last third of the game which was completely unnecessary.

I rate this game as OKAY.

Rating: 2 out of 5.

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