Lonely Mountains: Downhill

I’ve had my eyes on this game for quite some time, but it has been a bit pricey on the Nintendo e-store. Then it went on sale and I downloaded it.

I like this kind of action, that is easy to learn but hard to master. You skid down these mountains in high speed, trying to avoid colliding with trees, stumps, rocks and such things. The biking feels very good, it is fun to go in high speed and its not very punishing when you fall. You just restart from the closest checkpoint and most of the time, the checkpoints are fairly close apart.

This game is good at silence. There is no music or beat as you drive your bike cross the mountain. Instead you get the sound of wind, trees, running water and birds. It is very relaxing in a situation that otherwise is very stressful. And when you get to the end of each track, it feels like an accomplishment. It feels good.

Too bad, this game is hard as ass.

I never managed to unlock all the tracks, because some challenges require you to finish the track on 2:40 and no matter how fast I went, I was never even close to that time. You need to find all the shortcuts and do them in impossible ways in order to unlock the next part. That is not very fun.

Another thing that bothered me much, was the lagging on Nintendo Switch. First I thought that it was due to playing it on my 4K TV and the upscaling made it lag, but then I played it undocked 720p and it would still lag occasionally. In a game where reflexes are everything, a 500ms lag will kill you. On a console where the specs are the same across all the devices, this is a thing that should have been ironed out before the release.

I love the game, and it would have been very good if it wasn’t so hard. The difficulty brings it down for me, as I’m not able to complete it the way I want to.

I rate this game as OKAY.

Rating: 2 out of 5.

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