Cyberpunk 2077

I chose to play this game the one week of the year when the rest of the family goes on retreat. I think it was the correct choice, because I couldn’t have played this on the big screen with the kids at home.

There are some cool characters in the game. I really like Judy and Panam.

I would describe Cyberpunk 2077 as a mix between Deus Ex: Human Revolution and GTA, but the story is not as well written as Deus Ex, and the missions do not have the humor or pop cultural references as GTA has.

Cyberpunk 2077 story is like it’s written by a 14 year old boy. It’s so over the top that it becomes embarrassing. The dialogue is really bad, the sex scenes are just distasteful and there is no depth at all in the world building. It’s just action scene upon action scene, each one trying to be cooler than the next. I think this is what’s holding the team back from making and excellent game. There is hard work and quality in each aspect of the game, but with such bad writing, affects pretty much everything else in a negative sense.

The city looks the same everywhere you go. I didn’t really realize there were different districts before I opened the map.

Take for instance Keanu Reeves performance as Johnny Silverhand, is probably some of the worst acting I’ve seen from this artist, and he’s a legend in the movie industry. It comes down to the material he has to work with is so bad, and it fits poorly together with the whole game.

The game play is not my favourite either. The episodes that the main character has where they get some kind of seizure, and the matrix start showing on the screen is repeated all too often that it becomes an irritating element. In dialogue you get options to choose from but if you do not choose quickly enough the character starts shouting at you, which is fun the first time but soon becomes a focus for frustration. There is also a lot of walking and listening to someones life story, which would be fine if the game was well written, but in this case it just drags down the tempo and I start playing the game with one hand while checking my phone with the other.

This might be the worst Keanu Reeves performance I’ve seen, and I don’t think its his fault. It is the material he had to work with.

The bullet action is mostly about shooting the same enemies over and over in different environments. They get a bit more padding as you progress, which is balanced by you getting more powerful guns. When it comes to bosses they fall into the so common trap of making super-humans that you’re to fill with led until they can’t stand anymore. It is so tired, and I had 2 bosses bugging out into T-poses, just standing there and taking it.

The level design, in the dungeons are actually quite good and I like progressing those, but the city looks the same everywhere I go. I actually didn’t open my map until 12 hours into the game, I just followed the guidance on the mini-map, and I had no idea there were different districts. The city looks the same to me everywhere I go.

I was going to give this game an “okay” score, but the Silverhand hard porn scene that was unskippable, and the long uninteresting epilogue at the end drags it down.

I rate this game as BAD.

Rating: 1 out of 5.

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