Princess Peach: Showtime!

How could you resist a Peach game where you dress up Peach as a cowgirl, a ninja, a detective and a kung fu master? The idea is very intriguing but sadly not very well executed. 

The game takes place in a theatre, that has been overtaken by Madame Grape. She has abducted all the main cast and changed the plays for evil. It is up to Peach to put it all to right.

Before I go into what I don’t like about this game, it must be said that I’m not the target audience. It’s clearly made for young girls with all the ice skating and mermaid singing, which is clearly not male oriented activities, even if a 40 year old man certainly can see the appeal. 

You dress up in different costumes and take part in plays, that have been overtaken by baddies.

What makes me sad is that they don’t put the effort or money in, when it’s a game for a “lesser” audience. The difference in quality between this game and the newly released Super Mario Bros. Wonder is staggering. This game is very superficial, with just a few levels for each character, lots of repetition and no depth at all in the level design. The loading screen is laggy and they don’t seem to think that little girls can handle more than two buttons, a jump and an action button. 

The game play is mostly a 2,5D side scroller. You have two buttons, jump and action.

The story is half baked and boring. The enemies are the same through the game and boss fights are repeated over and over. 

I did enjoy Peach, the different characters you can play, collecting dresses and ribbons and taking a lot of screenshots of Peach doing different poses. Sadly that is not enough for me, nor for the girls of the target audience.

It rate this game as OKAY. 

Rating: 2 out of 5.

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